Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Who gets bullied?
Who gets homophobically bullied or harassed?

Anyone can become a victim of homophobic bullying or harassment.

- Teenagers who have misjudged their best friend by confiding in them only to find themselves "outed" are the principal targets of this form of bullying.

- Heterosexual girls and boys who others think of as lesbian or gay can come under similar attack. Most young people taunted about their sexual orientation are, in reality, too young to know what their sexuality is.

- Friends of lesbian and gay people are frequently forced to face up to their own prejudices, fears and preconceptions whilst finding themselves the targets of homophobia by being "guilty by association".

- Children of a lesbian or gay parent or brothers and sisters of those homophobically targeted can often be vulnerable to homophobic abuse from peers should their family situation become known.

- Adults at home, in the workplace or in the street can find themselves targeted homophobically.

Source: Who gets homophobically bullied or harrassed?, by Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH)
