Sunday, August 17, 2008
Welcome to SAFE Singapore!
They tell us parenting today is an art, as much as it is a skill. We may not always know what to do as parents, but we know we should always listen to our hearts. And at the heart of most parents is the capacity to love and truly appreciate the unique identities of our children.

The challenge to parents should not be whether to love our gay or lesbian child, but how. Our child will need us and the family more than ever. And more than being a gift to us, he or she will also bring another gift -- that of our families becoming more honest, supportive and close.

At SAFE we have heard many stories of parents who not only responded to their gay child lovingly and supportively, but who went the extra step to buy books, read articles, talk to supportive counselors, and met and got to know their son's or daughter's partners and friends.

Family relationships are too precious to lose. If we are committed to stay toegther as family, we can overcome all obstacles. Do explore the resources on our website, we believe they will help families understand, accept and support their gay loved ones as unique individuals.

And do help us spread the word around. Tell others about us!
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